Series Ventures helps start-ups transform the world and create new value through innovation
Series Ventures invests in innovation and value
We invest in innovation, economic values, and social values that change the world
The B2B industry creates high value added to manufacturing as a new source of industrial competitiveness.
We support B2B services to increase the competitiveness of manufacturing industries.
We support the revitalization of human-friendly industries through the convergence of health services, ICT, biotechnology, etc., due to changes in trends centered on individuals.
We seek innovative and sustainable models for social value and economic return by providing solutions to various problems in society.
We promote the innovation of your business ecosystem and lifestyle through digital transformation.
킥더허들은 국내 최초 화상복약지도 서비스 특허 등록, 국내 최초 상담형 온라인 드럭스토어 오픈, 기존에 없던 맛있는 유기농 양배추즙, 파이토케미칼을 포함한 색다른 유산균 등 세상에 없던 다양한 제품과 서비스로 많은 사람들이 건강해지고 행복한 삶을 살면 좋겠습니다.